March 1 2018
‘Connecting Nevada for a Stronger Economy’
Shares Nevada’s New Economic Realities
4th Nevada Economic Development Conference Set for Reno Aug. 20-22
(Carson City, NV) — The Fourth Annual Nevada Economic Development Conference will explore the ideas, programs and business connections that are defining the new Nevada economy from Aug. 20-22, 2018 at the Atlantis Casino & Resort in Reno, NV.
The multi-track conference is presented by the Western Nevada Development District and the newly-formed Nevada Economic Development Association.
“Our theme is ‘Connecting Nevada for a Stronger Economy’ and will provide opportunities for a broad section of professionals to present and share what is happening in a dynamic, changing Nevada economy,” said Jenifer Rose, Conference Chair and Western Nevada Development District Board member. “This conference will take people inside Nevada’s great business re-birth; the new companies, new ideas and knowledge base that is shaping a new future.”
The conference is a perfect venue for economic developers, business owners, utility managers, financial leaders, commercial real estate professionals, transportation managers, elected officials, farm and ranch owners, manufacturers and mining leaders to connect with Nevada’s new business development and expansion network, Rose said.
Tracks for the conference, Tuesday, Aug. 21 and Wednesday, Aug. 22, include Agribusiness, Economic Development, Manufacturing, Transportation/Infrastructure and Workforce Development. The $175 ($200 after July 6) cost before July 6 includes opening sessions, lunch with keynote speakers and Exhibit Hall Reception. A one-day conference pass is $125 ($150 after July 6).
A Pre-Conference Tour and workshop, Connecting Nevada to the Global Economy, on Aug. 20 will visit the SWITCH facility located at the Reno Tahoe Industrial Center. There is a separate registration fee of $75 for this portion of the conference ($100 after July 6) which includes lunch and transportation.
Continuing this year is the Stronger Economies Awards and Accolades Program which will recognize outstanding marketing materials and tools used for attracting and retaining business. The newly added Anthony Lopez Economic Development Professional Award will recognize outstanding achievements by an individual who has made significant contributions to economic development efforts in Nevada. Applications and information are available online at or contact Art Rangel at (775) 499-5516, [email protected].
For further information, including registration details, log on to This event is recognized by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) as a professional development event that counts towards the recertification of Certified Economic Developers (CECDs).
Sponsoring the Nevada Economic Development Conference is an opportunity for business and organizations to showcase to key industry leaders and decision makers. Sponsors will have an opportunity to reach a uniquely targeted audience involved with Nevada’s economic development. Information is available online at or contact Sheryl Gonzales at 775-883-7333 Ext. 0, [email protected].
About the Western Nevada Development District
WNDD works with public and private entities to promote collaboration to address economic development issues throughout the region. WNDD is certified by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) as an Economic Development District (EDD) for a nine county region in western Nevada; Carson City Churchill, Douglas, Lyon, Humboldt, Mineral, Pershing, Storey and Washoe.
About the Nevada Economic Development Association
The NEDA is a 501c (3) membership organization committed to furthering the state’s economic vitality. NEDA promotes professional development and education for economic development professionals by building efficiency and innovation through collaboration and education that responds to Nevada’s rapidly changing economic environment.