Sunday, October 20, 2019
8 am till 3:30 pm
Join staff from the Center for Creative Land Recycling and local and state partners for a tour of exemplary brownfields projects from Reno to Gardnerville. Starting at the Peppermill in Reno, travel south to visit a mix of sites including a gas station redeveloped into a community meeting facility, a former bank building transformed into a modern office space, and flour mill turned distillery.
Tour 4 unique and exemplary Brownfields Projects!
• Reno-Spark Indian Colony (Reno)
• Carson City Redevelopment/ Brownfield Sites (Carson City)
• Gardnerville Station (Gardnerville)
• Bently Heritage: Public House//Distillery and Farmer’s Bank (Minden)
FEE: $30 Tour includes lunch. Limited to 30 participants; pre-registration is required.