In efforts to fund the federal government for the remainder of 2020, a two-part spending package comprised of HR 1158 and HR 1865 was signed into law in December 2019. Notable increases in appropriations are significant as they positively impact communities across the nation.
Projects can include:
Workforce Development
Economic Redevelopment
Some of the 2020 spending package items are:
·$333 million for the Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA), $29 million above FY 2019 levels.
·$3.2 billion for USDA Rural Development, $228 million above FY 2019 levels.
·$9.9 billion for the Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (ETA), $67.5 million above FY 2019 levels.
· $3.4 billion for HUD Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), $60 million above FY 2019 levels.
·$89 million for EPA Brownfields, $2 million above FY 2019 levels.
·$1 billion for Department of Transportation BUILD (formerly TIGER), $100 million above FY 2019 levels.