Follow Up: Pershing County/Lovelock Brownfields Initiative

The first meeting of the Pershing County/Lovelock Brownfields Initiative drew nearly 40 participants on Jan. 27 at the Pershing County Community Center.

At this public meeting, discussion involved defining the initiative and fielding questions on directing EPA grant funds to Brownfield sites in and around Lovelock including community gateways, the industrial park and, the downtown corridor.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grants money to assess and clear properties, known as “Brownfields,” that are planned for reuse or redevelopment.  Brownfields sites can include properties that are vacant, or are abandoned or underutilized sites that may suffer from real or perceived contamination.

The meeting included an overview of the EPA Brownfields Program and the Brownfields Coalition Assessment Grant awarded to the coalition group that includes Western Nevada Development District, City of Lovelock and Pershing County.  The presentation also included the benefits of the Brownfields program, activities/tasks associated with assessment grant, and similar successful Brownfields projects, plus a Q & A session.

Presentations were made by Lisa Hanusiak, Brownfields Project Manager for EPA District 9, Philip Childers and Tom Mix of Converse Consulting who are conducting the assessments and Heidi Lusby-Angvick, Executive Director of the Pershing county Economic Development Authority.

The Initiative is a key element of the Pershing County Economic Development Strategic and Revitalization Plan, adopted by the Pershing County Economic Development Authority.

The $600,000 EPA Brownfields Grant, the only grant given in the State of Nevada in 2019, was awarded through the Western Nevada Development District which applied for the monies and is managing the project in cooperation with local officials.

For more information on the Community Meeting and the Pershing County/Lovelock Brownfields Initiative, visit:

For more information contact Sheryl Gonzales, Executive Director of the Western Nevada Development District at (775) 473-6753 or via email at [email protected], or Heidi E. Lusby-Angvick, Executive Director of the Pershing County Economic Development Authority at (775) 273-4909 or by e-mail at [email protected]

Download the presentation pdf.