Supporting Small Businesses Financially Impacted by COVID-19
A partnership between NACO and the counties of: Douglas, Elko, Lincoln, Lyon, Nye, Storey, Washoe and White Pine
Eight counties across Nevada have partnered with the Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) to develop a grant program to support small businesses financially impacted by COVID-19. This grant program is being supported by federal CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds. Eligible businesses must be located in Douglas, Elko, Lincoln, Lyon, Nye, Storey, unincorporated Washoe or White Pine counties.
Eligible Grant Uses include:
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Protective Retrofits
• Working capital – including utilities, payroll not covered by PPP, inventory etc.
Grant awards range from $1,500 to $20,000.
Applications are open September 8 thru October 6, 2020.
The Nevada Small Business Development Center is partnering with NACO to provide help to businesses that may need it.
Request free and confidential assistance by calling 800-240-7094 to make an appointment with a counselor through one of their 13 statewide locations.