A virtual discussion on the region’s Economic Challenges and Opportunities!
Tahoe Rising is a three-part virtual event to catalyze change and take action for the benefit of Lake Tahoe’s regional community and economy. Join the Tahoe Prosperity Center as it presents keynote speakers from around the country and the Lake who will discuss challenges facing Lake Tahoe in this current pandemic; sharing economic, community and environmental perspectives.
The fast-paced program includes panel sessions with those experts combined with local Tahoe leaders that will enhance these conversations. Collaborative and interactive group sessions will follow and provide an opportunity to share solutions that can be implemented locally to improve the region and build a resilient community.
The Tahoe Prosperity Center is an Associate Member of the Western Nevada Development District.
Event Schedule:
September 30th
10:00 am till 12:00 pm
Topic: Tahoe’s Economic Picture
October 14th
10:00 am till 12:00 pm
Topic: Tahoe’s Economic Recovery
October 28th
10:00 am till 12:00 pm
Topic: Tahoe’s Economic Resiliency