Bob Hastings and Don Vetter recently joined the Western Nevada Development District as Economic Recovery Coordinators.
According to an Oct. 5 press release, the positions were created as part of the federal CARES Act Recovery Program.
In their roles, Vetter and Hastings will help carry out community capacity building projects and programs while serving as a liaison and coordinator for the businesses, government, tribal, educational and nonprofit communities served by the Carson City-based development district.
Hastings, a Certified Quality Systems Auditor, has over 25 years in advanced manufacturing management experience. Most recently, he worked at Career Bound NV as a Work Based Learning Administrator, assisting in the development of a work-based learning program in conjunction with multiple school districts, businesses and other community stakeholders. He has also served eight years as an elected Lyon County commissioner.
Vetter has worked with numerous urban and rural communities in Nevada through his public relations, marketing and advertising firm, Vetter PR, Inc. Following his graduation from San Jose State University with a journalism degree, Don worked as a print and broadcast journalist for news media outlets in California, Nevada and Utah. He served as Washoe County Public Information Officer from 1990-93.