USDA Webinars to Share Latest Strategic Planning & Community Facility Grant Opportunities

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is hosting two webinars next month that will share the latest information on two grant programs; the Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training (CF TAT) program and the Rural Community Development Initiative (RCDI).

CF TAT assists communities with awards of up to $150,000 to assist in identifying resources and planning for community facility needs.

RCDI grants are awarded to help non-profit housing and community development organizations, low-income rural communities and federally recognized tribes support housing, community facilities and community, entrepreneurship, and economic development projects in rural areas. Awards range from $50,000 to $250,000 and do require a local match.

The CF TAT and RCDI webinars are scheduled for Tuesday, February 16, 2021 and Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 2:00 EST, respectively.

Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant (CF TAT) Webinar

Tuesday, February 16, 2021
11:00 a.m. – Noon PST

CF TAT Webinar Registration!

Rural Community Development Initiative (RCDI) Webinar

Thursday, February 18, 2021
11:00 a.m.- Noon PST

RCDI Webinar Registration!

WNDD Economic Recovery Update – Jan 2021

It’s time to Rebuild our Region


Greetings Fellow Nevadans,

Happy New Year!

We’re proud to share the January 2021 edition of the Western Nevada Development District’s Economic Recovery Update. This newsletter is part of WNDD’s effort to identify and develop strategies to create and build a more resilient economy in our region.

This edition of the Economic Recovery Update highlights the activities and progress of the Economic Recovery and Resiliency Council. The update also shares information and data that can help WNDD members and other regional businesses and organizations plan and implement their recovery and resiliency efforts.

In the update, you’ll find information about …

– Available grants and grants in the works
– Data and information regarding economic recovery
– Relevant news articles
– Member success stories
– And more!

Read the Update!

We look forward to sharing new information with you each month.


Roy Edgington
WNDD President
Mayor, City of Fernley

P.S. We want to highlight your success stories or opportunities with other WNDD members. To get in touch with us about what you’re doing to rebuild a vibrant, resilient, sustainable economy, email:

Economic Recovery Coordinator- Don Vetter

Vision 2021: The Nevada Economic Forecast

The Western Nevada Development District is pleased to sponsor the opening Regional Economic Outlook presentation by EDA representatives for Vision 2021: The Nevada Economic Forecast presented by the College of Business at the University of Nevada, Reno.

The webinar is slated for Friday, January 22, 2021 from 8:00am until 11:55am.

The event will feature a special keynote presentation from members of the U.S. Economic Development Administration who will address current economic conditions in the western and intermountain-western United States.

Vision 2021 also features presentations from Nevada State Senator Ben Kieckhefer, representatives from the Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development, and presentations regarding the current and immediate future conditions of Nevada’s housing, agriculture, mining, tourism, and healthcare industry sectors.

Registration is only $25.

Register Today! Vision 2021