WNDD Economic Recovery Update – Jan 2021

It’s time to Rebuild our Region


Greetings Fellow Nevadans,

Happy New Year!

We’re proud to share the January 2021 edition of the Western Nevada Development District’s Economic Recovery Update. This newsletter is part of WNDD’s effort to identify and develop strategies to create and build a more resilient economy in our region.

This edition of the Economic Recovery Update highlights the activities and progress of the Economic Recovery and Resiliency Council. The update also shares information and data that can help WNDD members and other regional businesses and organizations plan and implement their recovery and resiliency efforts.

In the update, you’ll find information about …

– Available grants and grants in the works
– Data and information regarding economic recovery
– Relevant news articles
– Member success stories
– And more!

Read the Update!

We look forward to sharing new information with you each month.


Roy Edgington
WNDD President
Mayor, City of Fernley

P.S. We want to highlight your success stories or opportunities with other WNDD members. To get in touch with us about what you’re doing to rebuild a vibrant, resilient, sustainable economy, email:

Economic Recovery Coordinator- Don Vetter
[email protected]