Collected by the Western Nevada Development District
TGIF4F—thank goodness it’s Five for Friday!
In this latest edition of the Western Nevada Development District (WNDD) grant round-up, we’ve got funding opportunities for STEM, Tribes, small businesses, and arts organizations. There’s also information about the broadest grant publishing under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
Let’s dig in.
Grants with Upcoming Deadlines
National Science Foundation STEM Network Grant
The National Science Foundation seeks to create a national network of stakeholders to share new knowledge, best practices, and design principles from its Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (S-STEM). Its purpose is to ensure access, inclusion, and flexibility for low-income domestic STEM students. This project will fund S-STEM Resource and Evaluation Centers (S-STEM-REC) and S-STEM Research Hubs (S-STEM-Hub). Proposals can come from two-year and four-year colleges, as well as non-profit organizations.
Application Deadline: Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) Center
The Federal Highway Administration will spend up to $17.8 million over five years to reopen seven Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) Centers. The TTAP Centers strive to improve Tribal communities’ quality of life by helping Tribes manage their transportation programs and systems. The centers will support advanced initiatives and projects to improve safety on Tribal lands, foster economic opportunity, and build economic strength.
Application Deadline: Friday, March 25, 2022.
SBA Cybersecurity for Small Business Pilot Program
The Small Business Administration will fund grants for state governments to help new small businesses combat cyber threats. Small firms are appealing targets to cyber threats because they have valuable data and lack the security infrastructure of larger corporations. According to a recent SBA survey, 88% of small company owners fear a cyber-attack. The problem is that many firms can’t afford professional IT services or don’t know where to start.
Application deadline: Friday, March 25, 2022.
Nevada Arts Council Project Grant For Organizations
The Nevada Arts Council’s Project Grants for Organizations offers grants up to $7,000, with one-to-one cash or in-kind match, to Nevada incorporated nonprofits to support arts and cultural projects that impact the community. Funds may be used to support the execution of one art and culture project or a series of related activities. Eligible projects include art exhibitions, performances, readings, and festivals.
Deadline: Friday, March 25, 2022.
Nevada Arts Council Project Grant
American Rescue Plan Act Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant
The U.S. Economic Development Administration is soliciting applications for the broadest grant publishing under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and any eligible applicant from any EDA Region may apply.
This grant is supported by the Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) program, which is flexible and responsive to local and regional stakeholders’ economic development needs and priorities.
The U.S. Economic Development Administration aims to assist communities and regions impacted by the coronavirus pandemic through this grant, including historically underserved communities.
The grant is designed to provide a wide range of financial assistance to communities and regions as they respond to and recover from the coronavirus pandemic’s economic impacts, including long-term recovery and resilience to future economic disasters.
EDA anticipates funding approximately 300 non-construction and construction projects that cost between approximately $500,000 and $5,000,000 with this appropriation, though EDA will consider applications above and below these amounts.
Deadline: Thursday, March 31, 2022.