Take The Nevada Speed Test Today to Support Nevada’s Digital Economy
Nevada’s digital economy is only as strong as the broadband infrastructure that supports it. That’s why the Nevada Speed Test, spearheaded by WNDD, is so important.
The Nevada Speed Test aims to ensure that every home and business in Western Nevada has access to affordable, adequate, and reliable high-speed internet. This is essential for participating in a digital economy and society.
The Nevada Speed Test relies on participation from businesses and households in the WNDD region to be successful. The data provided through nevadaspeedtest.org can guide funding distribution to boost Western Nevada’s broadband connectivity in the coming years.
The clock is ticking!
The mapping program’s software license will expire in October 2022. With less than five months to go, participating jurisdictions in the Western Nevada Development District (WNDD) region are roughly 6,500 tests short of meeting the minimum objective of 4% of households taking the test.
Outreach and promotion are vital to spreading the word about the Nevada Speed Test and encouraging participation. WNDD has been working with local governments, community organizations, and the media to help promote the Nevada Speed Test. So far, KOLO 8 News, Channel 2 News, Northern Nevada Business Weekly, and others have covered the Broadband Mapping Project.
Recent and ongoing efforts to market the Nevada Speed Test include sending individual requests to WNDD members, senior centers, community centers, libraries, school districts, the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, and other groups.
The project’s lead sponsor is Uprise Fiber, an associate member of WNDD.
Be Counted!
Take the Nevada Speed Test Today!
How the Map Works
The interactive map is progressively taking shape as residents take the Nevada Speed Test and may be viewed at nevadaspeedtest.org
Each speed test is shown on the map as a dot, and the color of the dot indicates the download and upload speeds.