Workers – Infrastructure – Apprenticeships
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will invest more than a half trillion dollars in American infrastructure over five years. This could create more than 3 million jobs in the construction workforce, bringing hundreds of thousands of new job opportunities every year. As details of a “generational opportunity” were debated, openings for construction jobs increased steadily and significantly.
“Governing,” Recently posed the question of if proven strategies can be implemented fast enough to develop a workforce that will achieve the benefits infrastructure funding is intended to foster.
In Western Nevada, we’re proud to say that our region has many examples of successful apprenticeship programs, including many from our own Western Nevada Development District members, including:
Building & Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada
Represent more than a dozen local trades affiliates, the Building and Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada furthers opportunities for construction career growth, including apprenticeship.
State of Nevada Department of Business & Industry
The Office of the Labor Commissioner is a division of the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, and offers a list of all Nevada Registered Apprenticeship Programs on their website.
Truckee Meadows Community College
Employers partner with TMCC to create training and educational programs specific to existing needs within the company. Common apprenticeship programs include industrial maintenance mechanic, tool and die maker, CNC machining, maintenance electrician, industrial sheet metal worker/welder, production welder, and HVAC/refrigeration mechanic.
Students can earn an industry-recognized certification in as little as eight weeks at WNC and enter the workforce above entry level.
Some of the construction programs include:
• Certified Inspector of Structures
• Ramsdell Construction Academy
• Construction Gateway
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