The Middle Mile Grant Program Providing $1 Billion in Funding
It’s no secret that reliable, affordable broadband connectivity is vital to the economic development and well-being of all residents in the WNDD region. Unfortunately, many communities are still unserved or underserved with broadband connectivity.
Enter the WNDD Nevada Speed Test. Launched in early November 2021, the Speed Test began gathering vital information from participating member communities. The map continues to be developed as each resident takes the Speed Test, and participants are encouraged to take the test more than once to refine data. Simply, the test assesses the region’s broadband needs and identifies possible projects for future funding.
Check Out Speed Test Results For Your Community
Middle Mile Program Funding
While most of the funding from the original National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) programs from the Infrastructure Bill (IUA), will pass through the State, the Middle Mile Program WILL be accessible to local governments, and private and non-profit sectors.
The Middle Mile Grant Program will provide up to $1 billion in funding for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of middle mile infrastructure. The purpose of the grant program is to extend middle mile infrastructure to reduce the cost of connecting areas that are unserved or underserved to the internet backbone.
Application Deadline: September 30, 2022
WNDD: Here to Assist Your Community
• Write grant applications for state, federal and other funding.
• Assist grant administrators and internet service providers in verifying the impact of their programs and intended targets in real time without relying on out-of-date historical maps.
• Check if broadband deployments and related grant programs are meeting expectations.
• Identify areas of broadband need and produce design and cost estimates for projects covering fiber, fixed wireless and hybrid options.
• Contribute to more detailed broadband design studies by GEO Partners at the county and city level (future studies).