Five for Friday: Latest From the World of Grants and More
Curated by Western Nevada Development District (WNDD), this edition focuses on opportunities for economic development around the region in the areas of water infrastructure, connectivity, housing and more.
Grant Opportunities & More
EPA Seeks Investments in Water Infrastructure
The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 2014 (WIFIA) established a federal credit program administered by EPA for eligible water and wastewater infrastructure projects.
Eligible borrowers are:
• Local, state, tribal, and federal government entities
• Partnerships and joint ventures
• Corporations and trusts
• Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs
Eligible projects range from improving drinking water systems and reducing energy use at water and sewer facilities, to acquisition of property and engineering/design. More than $6 billion will be awarded in this program. Letters of Interest can be submitted and will provide information that EPA uses to determine the project’s eligibility, creditworthiness, engineering feasibility, and alignment with EPA’s policy priorities.
Submit Letters of Interest Starting: September 6, 2022
New US DOT Grant Program Reconnects and Revitalizes Communities
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program has been established to remove, retrofit, or mitigate transportation facilities like highways or rail lines that create barriers to community connectivity, including mobility, access, or economic development. The program provides technical assistance and grant funding for planning or capital construction to address infrastructure barriers, reconnect communities, and improve people’s lives.
Eligible projects can include: high-quality public transportation, infrastructure removal, pedestrian walkways and overpasses, capping and lids, linear parks and trails, roadway redesigns and complete streets conversions, and main street revitalization. Planning Grants may range from $100,000 to $2,000,000. Capital Construction Grant awards are no less than $5 million per project. DOT anticipates that Capital Construction Grants may range from $5 million to $100 million.
Application Deadline: October 13, 2022
Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program
Multifamily Housing Loan Guarantees
USDA Rural Development provides up to a 90 percent guarantee for loans made by commercial lenders to borrowers developing or rehabilitating multifamily rental housing for low and moderate income tenants in rural areas. The agency guarantees construction advances and permanent financing once regulatory requirements have been met.
Eligible borrows can include:
• Nonprofit and for-profit corporations
• Individuals, partnerships, and trusts
• Most state and local governmental entities
• Federally-recognized Tribes
Application Deadline: Continuous
Multifamily Housing Loan Guarantees
Inflation Reduction Act: Energy and Climate Programs
The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act covers a broad range of issues impacting Nevada from climate change and health care, to affordable housing and energy conservation. Five for Friday will be tracking the fallout from this piece of legislation.
Here are a few early takeaways on the legislation’s impacts:
What Does the Inflation Reduction Act Do for State and Local Government?
What the Inflation Reduction Act Means for Nevada
2022 National Tribal Broadband Grant Program (NTBG)
The Indian Affairs Office of Indian Economic Development (OIED) is accepting applications from eligible federally recognized tribes for the 2022 National Tribal Broadband Grant Program (NTBG). With grant funding, tribes will be able to explore the possibility of developing or extending broadband services in their communities through feasibility studies of those broadband development opportunities. The Office of Indian Economic Development seeks to fund approximately 15 to 27 grants, ranging in value from $100,000 to $175,000, and eligibility is limited to federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal entities as listed in 87 FR 4636. These grants will be for a two-year term.
Application Deadline: October 17, 2022