Wednesday, September 28th, 2022
10:00 AM PT
The ability to deliver on inclusive growth is hugely dependent on intentional strategies for supporting diverse talent participate in shared prosperity across a region.
During this webinar, practitioners will learn from Good Jobs Challenge awardee, The Northern Nevada Equity in Employment project, led by NevadaWorks a northern Nevada workforce board.
Join Christine Brandon, Western Nevada Development District’s Executive Director along with Milt Stewart of NevadaWorks and Alexandria M. Wright Ph.D. of WestEd as they provide practitioners with details on the unique collaboration across workforce provider organizations, employers, tribes, and other stakeholders. This session will highlight approaches to leverage industry input to inform skills training and solutions to overcome issues of access and equity for excluded workforce.
Christine Brandon
Executive Director @Western Nevada Development District
Patrick Bourke
Management and Program Analyst @U.S. Economic Development Administration
Jessica L. González
Martínez Senior Advisor, Insights and Innovations @New Growth Innovation Network
Milton D. Stewart
Chief Executive Officer @NevadaWorks
Alexandria M. Wright Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate for Economic Mobility, Postsecondary, and Workforce @WestEd