WNDD to Receive $240,000
The U.S. Economic Development Administration this week announced a $240,000 Partnership Planning grant for the Western Nevada Development District (WNDD) for FY2023 thru FY2025. This EDA planning investment supports the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by WNDD, which consists of nine counties and six municipalities. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
WNDD members and local stakeholders recently participated in a workshop facilitated by the University Center for Economic Development, part of the College of Business at the University of Nevada, Reno to evaluate and update WNDD’s 2020 through 2025 CEDS. These funds will help sustain these collaborative regional planning efforts.

2023 CEDS Workshop