A Pathway to Economic Opportunities for Our Communities
The Kickoff Meeting for the Humboldt County EPA Brownfields Community Assessment Grant was held this week in Winnemucca. The EPA’s Brownfields program provides technical assistance to communities, states, and tribes to assess, safely clean up and sustainably repurpose underutilized or blighted properties.
The redevelopment of vacant or underutilized land is an opportunity for new growth. This grant funding can be a pathway to new economic opportunities, private investment, and improved quality of life for Humboldt and Pershing county residents.
A partnership between Humboldt and Pershing counties, the grant is being administered through Humboldt County and the Nevada 95-80 Regional Development Authority. As a sub awardee, Western Nevada Development District will assist with community outreach and engagement activities. Converse Consultants is providing the Environmental Consulting Services that will lead the assessment, reuse planning for assessed and/or clean-up sites, and co-develop revitalization strategies.