Curated by: The Western Nevada Development District…
This edition of Five for Friday focuses on opportunities for economic development around the region in the areas of disaster repair grants, professional development, Brownfields Workshops and local issues.
Grant Opportunities & More
USDA Announces Disaster Repair Grant
The USDA announced $50 Million to pay for up to 75% of disaster repair projects in communities with less than 20,000 residents. Nevada Counties are able to apply for these funds directly due to the Federal disaster declaration.
Rural Development Key Priorities:
• Assisting rural communities recover economically through more and better market opportunities and through improved infrastructure
• Ensuring all rural residents have equitable access to RD programs and benefits from RD funded projects
• Reducing climate pollution and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change through economic support to rural communities
Application Deadline: Ongoing
National Association of Counties (NACo) Annual Conference –
September 26 thru 28, 2023
The 2023 NACO Annual Conference is just two short months away and will be held in Elko, NV, at the Elko Convention Center.
Educational sessions will focus on: community health, emergency management, public lands and natural resources.
Tuesday, September 26
President’s Reception – Help us celebrate!
2023 NACO President, Lincoln County Commissioner, Varlin Higbee
Wednesday, September 27
General Session with an exciting and engaging Keynote Speaker
Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony
Thursday, September 28
Final Educational Sessions and Engagement Opportunities
NNDA Conference: Realities and Opportunities in Nevada’s Workforce –
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
NNDA invites you to join educational stakeholders, businesses, and state agency leaders for an informational discussion regarding the efforts to support Nevada’s workforce.
Engage with our panelists in a discussion about the current problems facing the state and how we can better prepare our workforce to the changing job trends and opportunities through trainings, career education, and apprenticeships.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Doors open at 11:00 am
1:00 am till 11:30 am Networking
11:30 am till 1:00 pm Lunch & Speakers
Atlantis Casino
3800 S. Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89502
Nevada Brownfields Workshops: Connecting the Dots – Reuse, Renew & Revitalize Land
Two Sessions
Henderson, NV: Thursday, September 7, 2023, 8:00 am till 3:00 pm
Carson City, NV: Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 8:00 am till 3:00 pm
Choose which session you would like to attend or attend both.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
As the first event of its kind, the Nevada Brownfields Workshop will connect you with federal, state, and local experts to assist and support in overcoming land redevelopment challenges specific to Nevada, so you can transform unused land and revitalize your neighborhood! Meet the broad range of speakers, including housing and economic development experts, environmental consultants, and technical assistance providers!
Hosted by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR), these workshops will enable you to connect the dots between your idle or contaminated land and the end vision.
Webinar: Marketing Your Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)
Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 1:00 pm ET
NDC has partnered with marketing firm DH to host a workshop and discussion on RLF marketing strategies, responding to Community of Practice participants identifying marketing as a key area to improve their RLF’s capacity.