Curated by: The Western Nevada Development District…

This edition of Five for Friday focuses on opportunities for economic development around the region in the areas of broadband, grant assistance, water infrastructure and agriculture.

Grant Opportunities & More

Last Chance! Book Your Room Today!

Room Block Thru February 25th

Comfort Inn and Suites
1830 W Williams Ave., Fallon
Government Rate of $107 plus tax

To get your room guaranteed rate, book with Crystal Schultz at the Comfort Inn and Suites before February 25. You will need to book individually and with your credit card.

[email protected]

Room Rate Guaranteed for Emails received by February 25th

ReConnect Program Webinar March 6: Notice of Funding Opportunity Round 5

The ReConnect Loan and Grant Program provides funds for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas. The application window for the fifth round of funding will open on March 22, 2024. Presented by USDA Rural Development’s Rural Utilities Service, this webinar will provide information about the ReConnect Program and will cover the recently published Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Round 5.

This webinar will include:

  • A brief overview of the ReConnect Program
  • The current Funding Opportunity Announcement
  • A summary of changes from NOFO 4 to NOFO 5
  • Next steps and important dates
  • An opportunity to ask questions about the NOFO

Webinar: March 6, 2024, 10:00 to 11:30 am PT


ReConnect Program

New Database Web Site Tracks Grant and Assistance Programs

The White House released a new database which tracks federal financial assistance programs. This website allows visitors to explore Federal financial assistance programs across categories, agencies, eligible applicants, and more. Over the past several years, financial assistance has routinely accounted for over $3 trillion of spending and constitutes a high proportion of Federal programs.

Start Your Search

EPA’s Water Technical Assistance Ensures Equitable Access to Water Infrastructure Funding

EPA’s free Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA) services support communities to identify water challenges, develop plans, build capacity, and develop application materials to access water infrastructure funding. To implement WaterTA, EPA collaborates with states, Tribes, territories, community partners, and other key stakeholders. EPA WaterTA aims to assist communities with applications for federal funding, quality infrastructure, and reliable water services. If your community is facing water infrastructure challenges, and could benefit from support, explore this option.

WaterTA Program

Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Grants

Urban Agriculture and Innovation Production (UAIP) competitive grants initiate or expand efforts of farmers, gardeners, citizens, government officials, schools, and other stakeholders in urban areas and suburbs.

Projects may target areas of:
• food access
• education
• business
• start-up costs for new farmer
Grants can cover planning activities such as developing assessments of community needs within the local food system or identifying how food is grown, distributed, or marketed and what existing needs related to food access, nutrition, education, conservation, and economic development can be addressed.

The estimated funding floor for this opportunity is $75,000 and the estimated funding ceiling is $350,000.

Application Deadline: April 9, 2024

UAIP Grants

Webinar Recordings