Curated by: The Western Nevada Development District…

This edition of Five for Friday focuses on opportunities for economic development around the region in the areas of housing, energy and more.

Grant Opportunities & More

Be on the Lookout: CEDS Update Survey and Project Forms – WNDD Members ONLY

Western Nevada Development District members will be invited to submit projects for regional support in the 2024 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Update. Also, we are seeking your input through a MailChimp survey to add updates to the existing CEDS.

Western Nevada Development District Members will be asked to participate in this simple two part process:


Members will be invited to submit projects for regional support in the 2024 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Update. New projects or updates to existing projects already in the CEDS need to be turned in by May 3, 2024.


Members will be asked to complete a simple survey to aid WNDD in creating the 2024 CEDS Update.

The 2020-2025 CEDS is a locally based, regionally driven economic development planning process and document that successfully engages the region’s community leaders, private sector partners, and stakeholders. The result creates an economic roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy and to qualify the region for additional assistance from the Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce (EDA).

Areas of focus are:

• Workforce Development Infrastructure (sewer, water, energy, broadband)
• Transportation
• Quality of life
• Attainable Housing

Organizations are welcome to submit projects based on; community/regional needs, current community plans, and projects that support the CEDS goals.

This process can help bring money into our communities and create job opportunities.

HUD Grants Available for Manufactured Housing

Cooperatives, nonprofit entities, CDFIs, and governments are eligible applicants for HUD grants that may be used to acquire manufactured housing, community land, repair and replace manufactured housing units, make infrastructure improvements, and provide technical assistance. Applications for the Preservation & Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) program, which will provide $225 million for the benefit of low-income individuals.

Application Deadline: June 5, 2024



More on HUD and Manufactured Housing:

• Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to support manufactured housing
• HUD webinars on manufactured housing


HUD Webinars

Cultural and Community Resilience Grants Program Touts Preservation and Access

The Cultural and Community Resilience program supports community-based efforts to address the impacts of climate change and COVID-19 by safeguarding cultural resources and fostering cultural resilience through identifying, documenting, and/or collecting cultural heritage and community experiences. The program prioritizes projects from disadvantaged communities in the United States or its jurisdictions.

Project activities may take many forms, including but not limited to:

• Collaborative planning to identify cultural and historical resources
• Documentation of cultural and historical resources through digital means
• Recording oral histories
• Preserving Traditional Knowledge, practices, or technologies, and memories of elders and community, including in languages other than English; or
• Establishing shared resources and protocols for rapid response collecting

Maximum Award: $150,000

Application Deadline: May 21, 2024


More Info and Recorded Webinar

Nonprofits can Spread their Good Word through Google Ad Program

With billions of Google searches happening every day, nonprofits around the world use the Google Ad Grant program to connect with people looking to learn more about their cause. To help people digitally reach and engage their organization’s supporters, Google can provide a (free) helping hand. Through the Google Ad Grant program, qualifying nonprofits can receive up to $10,000 per month in free advertising to spend on the Google Search Network. This in-kind donation allows nonprofits to promote their brand, programs, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers online using the Google Ads platform.

Application Info

How to Blog

Local Government Energy Program: Communities Sparking Investment in Transformative Energy

This funding opportunity will support eligible local governments and Tribes to implement projects that provide direct community benefits, spark additional investments, meet community-identified priorities, and build local capacity. Community benefits may include creation of local economic opportunities for workers, workforce measures and agreements, community revitalization, lowered energy burdens, increased access to renewable energy, improved air quality, increased public participation in energy decision-making processes, and improved quality of life for local residents. Projects may span a range of geographic scopes and wide variety of technology areas including, but not limited to building efficiency and/or electrification, electric transportation, energy infrastructure upgrades, microgrid development and deployment, renewable energy, resilience hubs, and workforce development.

Award Amount: $900k to $3.6M

Application Deadline: May 31, 2024

Application Info