Five for Friday: Grant Opportunities and More!
Curated by: The Western Nevada Development District…
This edition of Five for Friday focuses on opportunities for economic development around the region in the areas of Brownfields technical assistance, transit development, community facilities, USDA/EDA Resource Guides and STEM grants.
Grant Opportunities & More
Free Technical Assistance for Property Assessment and Revitalization
EPA’s Brownfields program sparks Community-serving projects in historically underserved neighborhoods. Under EPA’s Targeted Brownfields Assessment program, EPA assists communities to assess potentially contaminated properties and safely facilitate their redevelopment. Available at no cost to local governments, quasi-governmental agencies and tribes, information gathered from Targeted Brownfields Assessments gives prospective purchasers a better understanding of potential contamination issues at brownfields in their communities. EPA will characterize a brownfield to determine the nature and extent of the contamination. Results are provided to the community to assist them in redevelopment planning.
Funding Announced for Transit-Oriented Development Planning
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has announced the availability of nearly $10.5 million in competitive grant funds for agencies to plan transit-adjacent development. FTA’s Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development supports planning and investment near transit hubs to promote sustainable, livable, and equitable communities, with a focus on projects that plan for affordable housing. Planning funded through the program must examine ways to improve economic development and ridership, foster multimodal connectivity and accessibility, improve transit access for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, engage the private sector, identify infrastructure needs, and enable mixed-use development near transit stations.
Application Deadline: July 22, 2024
Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grants
USDA Rural Development provides Technical Assistance and Training grants to eligible public bodies and private, nonprofit organizations (such as states, counties, cities, townships, incorporated towns, villages, boroughs, authorities, districts, and Tribes located on Federal or state reservations) to provide technical assistance and/or training in support of essential community facilities programs. In turn, this technical assistance and training helps grantees identify and plan for community facility needs in their area. Once these needs are pinpointed, the grantee can find additional public and private financial resources.
Funds may be used to:
• Assist communities in identifying and planning for community facility needs
• Identify resources to finance community facility needs from public and private sources
• Prepare reports and surveys necessary to request financial assistance to
develop community facilities
• Prepare applications for financial assistance from Rural Development
• Improve administrative and financial operations management
• Assist with other areas of need identified by the Secretary of Agriculture
Maximum Award: $150,000
Application Deadline: July 8, 2024
USDA and EDA Update Resources in Joint Guide to Boost Economic Development in Rural Communities
USDA Rural Development and the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) updated resources in the joint guide originally released in 2022 to help rural communities build strategies to boost local economic development. Both agencies made several key updates to ensure communities can access new webpages and resources. The resource guide outlines programs and services that can be used to advance community and economic development in rural communities through four focus areas.
These include:
• Planning and technical assistance
• Infrastructure and broadband expansion
• Entrepreneurship and business assistance
• Workforce development and livability
STEM Grants for Workforce Development Partnerships
Nevada’s STEM Workforce Challenge Grants provide funding to spark the creation of lasting partnerships between industry and workforce training providers resulting in sustainable training programs that provide in-demand, industry recognized STEM skills to training recipients and lead to full-time jobs in STEM industries. These grants are available for Nevada’s Community Colleges or State College, private career colleges located in Nevada that provide technical training, Chambers of Commerce, organizations that specialize in workforce training, Regional Development Authorities, STEM-related businesses, employee associations, and city and county governments.
Total Available Funding: $425,000
Workforce Challenge Webinar: July 18, 2024 at 10:00 am PT
Application Deadline Round XV: August 26, 2024