Five for Friday: Grant Opportunities and More!

Curated by: The Western Nevada Development District…

This edition of Five for Friday focuses on opportunities for economic development around the region in the areas of reconnecting communities, Brownfield programming, water and wastewater, and American Indian housing.

Grant Opportunities & More

USDOT: More than $600 million Available for Projects that Reconnect Communities

The Reconnect Communities Pilot Program will fund locally driven projects such as interstate capacities, highway removals, Complete Streets, and Main Street revitalization.

Two Funding Types:

1. Capital Projects: May fund both reconnecting-focused projects and smaller projects focused on reducing environmental harm and improving access in disadvantaged communities.

Projects May Address:
Removal of a dividing facility
Enhance community connectivity
Improved access by building or improving Complete Streets

2. Community Planning: These grants provide funds for planning activities to support future construction projects and allow for innovative community planning to address localized transportation challenges.

Potential applicants who are interested in pursuing a reconnecting type project but are not prepared to submit funding requests within 90 days can submit a request for technical assistance through the Reconnecting Communities Institute.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

Reconnecting Communities Institute


Brownfield Curious Webinar

The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) and Groundwork USA will spotlight brownfields expert Danielle Getsinger of Adaapta in this second installment of the Brownfield Curious series. Danielle and CCLR will break down the stages of the process and guide webinar attendees through the entire land revitalization journey—from the planning to the celebratory ribbon cutting.

The Webinar Will Explore:

• Stages of the land reuse process and key stakeholders for each stage
• Common brownfield challenges and how to navigate them
• Types of funding and technical assistance available
• How to advocate for revitalization projects

Webinar: August 13, 2024 at 11:00 am PT

More Info and Registration

USDA Water and Environmental Programs Webinar

The USDA will host a workshop for potential applicants and existing grantees of technical assistance and revolving fund grant programs.

Participants will learn more about the application process, grantees responsibilities, indirect costs, civil rights requirements, environmental requirements, and other program details.

Who Should Attend? Qualified private nonprofits, federally recognized tribes, public bodies and academic institutions that meet the eligibility requirements of the following grant programs:

Water & Waste Disposal Technical Assistance & Training Grants
Solid Waste Management Grants
Rural Decentralized Water Systems Grants
Revolving Funds for Financing Water and Wastewater Projects Grants

Webinar: August 22, 2024, from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm PT

Webinar Registration

National Rural Water Association Water and Wastewater Project Loans

The Rural Water Loan Fund (RWLF) is program is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of small water and wastewater utilities through low-cost loans for short-term repair costs, small capital projects, or pre-development costs associated with larger projects. The RWLF was established through a grant from USDA. Loans are offered at below market interest rate (currently 3%) and a maximum repayment period of 10 years.

Eligible Projects:

• Pre-development (planning) costs for infrastructure projects
• Replacement equipment, system upgrades, maintenance and small capital
• Energy efficiency projects to lower costs and improve system sustainability
• Disaster recovery or other emergency loans

Application Deadline: Open

More Info

Indian Housing Block Grant Program

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers grants to develop, maintain, and operate affordable housing in safe and healthy environments on American Indian reservations, in other American Indian areas, and to carry out other affordable housing activities that benefit low-income families.

HUD will give priority to projects that spur construction and rehabilitation, while considering need and administrative capacity. HUD strongly encourages new affordable housing construction projects that will increase the number of housing units available for low-income Indian families and help address the housing shortage in Indian Country. Additionally, HUD encourages housing rehabilitation projects that will increase the useful life of existing affordable housing units and alleviate substandard housing conditions.

Application Deadline: August 29, 2024

More Info