Board of Directors Executive Board Dian VanderWell President Councilmember, City of Sparks Heidi Lusby-Angvick Vice President Executive Director, PCEDA Michelle Hammond Allen Sec/Treasurer Economic Development Officer, Humboldt County Clay Mitchell Director at Large Commissioner, Storey County Bryan McArdle Director at Large Revitalization Manager, Reno Board of Directors Counties Carson City Maurice White Supervisor, Carson City Nancy Paulson City Manager, Carson City Douglas Danny Tarkanian Commissioner, Douglas County Nikki Rudelbach Manager, Economic Vitality, Douglas County Alicia Main Executive Director, Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce Humboldt Ken Tipton Commissioner, Humboldt County Don Kalkoske County Manager, Humboldt County Michelle Hammond Allen WNDD Sec/Treasurer Economic Development Officer, Humboldt County Mineral Tina Rubert-Manzini Commissioner, Mineral County Kyle Isom Parks and Recreation Director Storey Clay Mitchell WNDD Director at Large Commissioner, Storey County Sara Sturtz Grant Administrator, Storey County Pershing Joe Crim Commissioner, Pershing County Heidi Lusby-Angvick WNDD Vice President Executive Director, PCEDA Washoe Mike Clark Commissioner, Washoe County Gabrielle Enfield Community Services Cities Fallon Kelly Frost Councilmember, Fallon Fernley Neal McIntyre Mayor, Fernley Ben Marchant City Manager, Fernley Lovelock Bonnie Skoglie Councilmember, Lovelock Mark Hauenstein Chief Executive Officer, Technical Designs Reno Brandi Anderson Councilmember, Reno Bryan McArdle WNDD Director at Large Revitalization Manager, Reno Sparks Dian VanderWell President Councilmember, City of Sparks Mel Evans Grant Administrator, City of Sparks Art Sperber Director, CA., Inc. Winnemucca Vince Mendiola Councilmember, Winnemucca Alicia Heiser City Manager, Winnemucca Yerington Jerry Bryant Councilmember, Yerington Bob Switzer City Manager, Yerington Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Steven Wadsworth Chairman, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Trish Conner Administrative Officer, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Associate Members BCTNN Rob Benner Secretary, Building and Construction Trades Council BCTNN Wendy Colborne Communications Director, Building and Construction Trades Council BEC Environmental Brenda Gilbert Program Manager Brycon Corporation Heather Van Erden Marketing & Business Development CEDA Sara Beebe Director Operations Converse Consultants Teri Askew Project Coordinator & Business Development CSA Leslie Colbrese CEO, CSA Downtown Reno Partnership Nathan Digangi Economic Development Manager EDAWN Veronica Chavez Senior VP, Business Retention, Expansion & Workforce Education Innovation Coll Mary Alber CEO First Independent Bank Angela Rowan Assistant Vice President GOED Shari Davis Director, Rural Economic and Community Development JOIN Denise Castle Chief Executive Officer Main Street Gardnerville Jen Tune Program Director NDOT Zach Shaw Rural County Manager Nevada Builders Alliance Glen Martel Chief Executive Officer Nevada Green Institute Aster Girma President Nevada Lt Governor’s Office Melissa Saavedra Deputy Director, Office of Small Business Advocacy NNDA Hayden Poinier Business Development Adviser NRHA Bill Brewer Executive Director NV Energy Billie Augustine Business Development Adviser RailPros Paul F. MacDonald Director, Industrial Development RNDC Mary Kerner Chief Executive Officer SBA Elizabeth Hill Economic Development Specialist/Administration Officer SBDC Kathy Halbardier Rural Business Advisor Tahoe Prosperity Center Heidi Hill – Drum Chief Executive Officer, TPC TMCC Amber Burroughs Associate Director Workforce Development UNR-UCED Fred Steinmann Director WNC Niki Gladys Chief Advancement Officer Become an Associate Member! Sign Up Today