Five for Friday: Grant Opportunities – October 2021

Collected by the Western Nevada Development District

Economic development grants and loans can help revitalize and build sustainability in urban, rural, and tribal communities. Strategic investments help support local economies, create jobs, and attract private investments to better residents’ lives. Every first, or sometimes second, Friday, the Western Nevada Development District will share our Five for Friday; grant programs from a variety of sources that can help rural healthcare services respond to COVID-19, address youth homelessness or build equity in broadband access.

Rural Health Care Grant Program

The Rural Health Care Grant Program provides up to $500 million in grant funding to help broaden access to COVID-19 testing and vaccines, rural health care services, and food assistance through food banks and food distribution facilities. Track One: Recovery Grants provide immediate relief to address the economic conditions arising from the COVID-19 emergency. Track Two: Impact Grants advance ideas and solutions to solve regional rural health care problems to support the long-term sustainability of rural health. Eligible applicants include public bodies, community-based nonprofits, and federally-recognized Tribes. Facilities and projects supported through this grant must be located in rural areas with populations of 20,000 or fewer, and must primarily serve rural areas.

Track One: Recovery Grants
Track Two: Impact Grants


HUD is offering funds through the Continuum of Care Program that seeks to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness. This program supports efforts to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families, youth, and persons fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness.

Deadline: November 16, 2021

HUD: Continuum of Care (CoC) Program

Catholic Campaign For Human Development

The Catholic Campaign For Human Development (CCHD), established by the Catholic bishops of the United States, grant programs include the following: Community Development Grants support nonprofit organizations that are led by people living in poverty and work to address the root causes of poverty. Economic Development Grants support economic development initiatives that include the voice of the poor and marginalized in developing new businesses that offer good jobs or develop assets that will be owned by local communities. Grants range between $25,000 and $75,000.

Deadlines: Pre-applications for both programs may be submitted through November 1st, annually; the online application deadline is January 15th, annually.

CCHD Grants

Department Of Commerce Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program

The Department Of Commerce Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program supports the expansion of broadband Internet access, connectivity, and digital inclusion. Examples of supported activities include the purchase of broadband Internet access service or any eligible equipment, or to hire and train information technology personnel; to facilitate educational instruction and learning, including through remote instruction; to operate a minority business enterprise; or to operate a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization;

Deadline: December 1, 2021

Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program Grants

USDA’s Pandemic Response and Safety Grant Program

USDA’s Pandemic Response and Safety Grant Program provides grants to specialty crop producers and processors, other select producers, meat and other processors, distributors, and farmers markets to respond to coronavirus, including for measures to protect workers against novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID–19). This program is authorized and funded under section 751 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (Pub. L. No. 116—260). USDA developed the PRS Grant Program in response to extensive stakeholder feedback during listening sessions in March 2021, and written comments provided through March 30, 2021.

Application Period Closes: November 22, 2021

Pandemic Response and Safety Grant Program USDA Info.

Have a Business Idea?

Rural Pitch Day – Launch Rural Nevada
Don’t Miss It – November 5th, 2021

This annual event is designed for startups and small business owners in rural Nevada and provides opportunities for mentorship, access to capital, and connection with entrepreneurial support organizations throughout the Silver State. Learn from business experts how to launch business ideas followed by pitch presentations for awards up to $1,250. This year the event will be held in a hybrid format with local in-person viewing sites and online options.

NEW in 2021, thanks to a sponsorship from Nevada Gold Mines, Rural Pitch Day – Launch Rural Nevada is open to junior and senior high school students in rural Nevada!

Ready to pitch your business idea? Apply Today – Applications close October 22, 2021.

Rural Pitch Day Info.

Apply Now!

Get Your Tickets!

Economic Recovery Update – September 2021

Record EDA Investments Aim to Build Back Better

The September 2021 Economic Recovery Report from the Western Nevada Development District shows how WNDD’s Economic Recovery and Resiliency Plan is progressing toward implementation and how the WNDD Broadband mapping project is a tool to help close Northern Nevada’s digital divide.

The briefing also includes details on the Economic Development Administration’s historic $3 billion economic development plan, authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act. The update, funded through a CARES Act Supplemental Award for the United States, aims to support the revitalization, expansion, and improvement of distressed communities’ infrastructure to ultimately attract industry, encourage business retention, growth, and recruitment, and generate long-term private-sector jobs and investments.

Read the Update!

Five for Friday: Grant Opportunities September 3, 2021

Collected by the Western Nevada Development District

Economic development grants and loans can help revitalize and build sustainability in urban, rural, and tribal communities. Strategic investments help support local economies, create jobs, and attract private investments to better residents’ lives. Every first Friday, the Western Nevada Development District will share our Five for Friday; grant programs from a variety of sources that can help the region expand workforce training and capacity, support rural community projects and improve mobility for underserved populations.


STEM Talent Challenge Program

The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) is seeking applications to create and implement innovative science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) work-based learning models that complement their respective region’s innovation economy. The STEM Talent Challenge seeks to develop or expand regional workforce capacity to support high-growth, high-wage entrepreneurial ventures, industries of the future, and other innovation-driven businesses that have a high likelihood of accelerating economic competitiveness and job creation in their respective regions and in the United States. Must provide matching share equal to at least 50 percent of the total project cost; i.e., applicants must match each dollar requested with at least one dollar of applicant match. Up to $250,000 per request.

Deadline: October 12, 2021

STEM Challenge Program Details


Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant Program

The Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant Program provides $10,000 in funding for resident-driven groups in small cities and towns to start the Community Heart & Soul model. The grants are aimed to inspire community engagement for economic and social change by aligning their projects and collaborate on community priorities. Grant funding requires a $10,000 cash match from the participating municipality or a partnering organization.

Deadline: Ongoing

Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant Program Details


T-Mobile Hometown Grants Program

This is intended to help build stronger, more prosperous small towns and rural communities throughout the United States. Up to 100 towns each year for the next five years will receive community improvement grants of up to $50,000 each. Examples of eligible projects include revitalizing a town hall, a senior center, a local little league field, a library, or any space where friends and neighbors gather. Elected leaders, town managers and employees, and nonprofit leaders are eligible to submit applications. Requests will be reviewed quarterly.

Deadline: Ongoing

T-Mobile Program Application


Federal Transit Administration National Center for Mobility Management Grants and Assistance

The Federal Transit Administration National Center for Mobility Management is offering grants and technical assistance to support communities that are ready to take concrete steps toward implementing transportation solutions to help underserved residents become more fully engaged in economic opportunities, improve their health and well-being, and/or become more integrated into their community.

Deadline: October 15, 2021

NCMM Funding Guidelines


USDA Rural Energy Grants

Applications for the USDA Rural Energy Grants is now open for renewable energy systems and the purchase, installation and construction of energy efficiency improvements. The program provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements. Agricultural producers may also apply for new energy efficient equipment and new system loans for agricultural production and processing.


Applications for Grants of $20,000 or Less and Loan/Grant of $20,000 or Less Combo Applications due by Nov. 1, 2021, or March 31, 2022.

Applications for Unrestricted Grants or Loan/Unrestricted Grant Combo Applications due by March 31, 2022.

USDA Rural Energy Grants Funding Guidelines

Rural Business Assistance for Nevadans

RuBA provides business training, mentorship, and funding up to $25K

Program to be delivered in English and Spanish

The Audacity Institute is accepting applications for the Rural Business Assistance Program (RuBA). to support small business, startups, side gigs or an amazing business idea.

Participants in the RuBA program will receive loans that will be forgiven upon completion of a nine-month online business training and mentorship program through the Audacity Institute.

“The RuBA program was designed to provide funding and support for business owners and those with amazing ideas,” said Danielle Rees from the Audacity Institute. “Audacity will provide mentoring and business training with peer support from a cohort of other Nevada rural business owners. The virtual training will require just a three-hour commitment per month over the nine-month program.”

Funds of up to $25,000 will be deposited in October after the first education session and one-on-one mentoring has been completed.

Qualified applications will:
• Have a business or business idea with less than $2 million in annual sales
• Be based in rural Nevada (which excludes the City of Reno, City of Sparks, and Clark County)
• Have been impacted by COVID-19

The online application closes on September 3rd at 11:59 p.m. Applications are available in English and Spanish and can be accessed at:

Audacity will provide application assistance in both Spanish and English at: 775-470-7789 or

RuBA is funded by a Community Development Block Grant from the Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

Join the Nevada SBA for… Meet the Lenders Webinar

Learn How to Access Capital to Start | Grow | Expand Your Business


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 9:00 – 10:00am Pacific Time

Register Here!

Join the Nevada Small Business Administration and Nevada Small Business Development Center to meet Nevada lenders.

This program aligns with a Western Nevada Development District Economic Recovery and Resiliency Plan strategy to connect small businesses with financial resources. These efforts continue to promote the region as a place where small businesses, entrepreneurs, and high-tech companies can start, build and grow.

The webinar features a panel discussion with loan officers from four Nevada lenders and an SBA representative. You will learn how to prepare for your next loan pitch, how lenders make their loan decisions, tips from the lenders on how to improve your loan pitch, and steps you could take to mitigate challenges when accessing capital.

Register Here!


SBA maintains a local network of partners to counsel, mentor, and train small businesses. These independent organizations funded by the SBA provide high-quality training and counseling designed to meet the specific needs of small business owners and new entrepreneurs— for free or at a low cost. These SBA-approved experts can help create a successful business plan, get expert advice on expanding a business, or train a business team.

Five for Friday: Grant Opportunities – August 6, 2021

Collected by the Western Nevada Development District

Economic development grants and loans can help revitalize and build sustainability in urban, rural, and tribal communities. Strategic investments help support local economies, create jobs, and attract private investments to better residents’ lives. Every first Friday, the Western Nevada Development District will share our Five for Friday; grant programs from a variety of sources that can help the region navigate economic recovery from the pandemic, support volunteer fire departments or bring connectivity to tribal lands.

Investing in America’s Communities

The Economic Development Administration (EDA) is investing $3 billion from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan which will enable the EDA to provide larger, more transformational investments across the nation in six grant categories while utilizing its greatest strengths, including flexible funding to support community-led economic development. This is the largest economic development initiative from the Department of Commerce in decades and will help communities across the country impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Upcoming EDA webinars that will take a deep dive on the grant categories:
Economic Adjustment Assistance Webinar
Monday, August 9 @ 2pm EST
Indigenous Communities Webinar
Tuesday, August 10 @ 2pm EST
Good Jobs Challenge Webinar
Thursday, August 12 @ 2pm EST

EDA American Rescue Plan Programs | U.S. Economic Development Administration

Every Nevadan Recovers

The State of Nevada has launched its Nevada Recovers website to solicit ideas and projects for monies the state will receive from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) which will allocate a total of $6.7 billion to the state through a wide number of programs and services, such as K-12 education, vaccine distribution, food security, consumer protection, housing assistance, direct payments to taxpayers, and additional unemployment insurance assistance. The ARP also includes direct aid to State and local governments, which should deliver $2.7 billion to the State of Nevada, with counties and local governments expected to receive an additional $1 billion (collectively). Along with the digital survey found on the website, the State Treasurer’s office has kicked off a 75-day “Nevada Recovers Listening Tour” to connect with communities all over Nevada to get ideas on how the state could spend the money.

Two of the upcoming Town Hall meetings have been announced in the WNDD region:

August 10th, 5:00 pm: Pershing County – Pershing Community Center, Lovelock
August 12th, 1:30 pm: Mineral County – Hawthorne Ordnance Museum

Nevada Recovers 


Volunteer Fire Departments

The Leary Firefighters Foundation’s Jeremiah Lucey Grant Program provides funds to paid and volunteer departments in three areas of support: training, with the goal of enhancing the professional development of departments; equipment, with the goal of providing the best equipment to help keep firefighters and the communities they serve safe; and technology, with the goal of ensuring that fire departments update along with technological advances. Grants typically range from $5,000 to $25,000. Deadline: Letters of Intent 8/15/2021; invited applications 10/1/2021. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the guidelines for the Jeremiah Lucey Grant Program.

Leary Firefighters Foundation

Urban and Community Forestry Program

This program provides funding to local governments, educational institutions, Native –American tribal governments and non-profit groups for urban forestry projects. Proposed programs should foster partnerships reflecting the ongoing effort to provide healthy, safe and livable neighborhoods are highly encouraged. This grant program is part of Nevada’s ongoing initiative to provide funding for urban tree inventory and analysis, management planning, urban forestry awareness, education and outreach projects, and new urban tree plantings. Grant applications are open, and are awarded on an open and continuing basis They range from a minimum of $2,000 to a maximum grant request for urban forestry management planning, inventory, or tree assessments of $30,000.

Urban and Community Forestry Program

Broadband Service on Tribal Land

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has grants available for broadband service on Tribal Lands that promote the use of broadband to access remote learning, telework or telehealth resources during the Covid -19 pandemic. NTIA expects to make awards under this program within the following funding ranges: Broadband Infrastructure Deployment Projects: Between $1 million and $50 million. Broadband Adoption and Use Projects: $50,000 to $2.5 million. Deadline is September 1, 2021.

Broadband Service on Tribal Land

WNDD Economic Recovery Update – August 2021

CEDS Priority Projects Identified

The Summer 2021 edition of the Western Nevada Development District (WNDD)’s Economic Recovery Update shares how WNDD’s Economic Recovery & Resiliency Plan is moving into the action phase. Plus, it details how the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Update has identified the region’s top infrastructure projects and workforce programs that promote economic recovery, community resiliency and job growth in top-paying industries. The update also shares information on the Economic Development Administration’s unprecedented $3 billion economic development initiative under the American Rescue Plan Act.

Part of a CARES Act Supplemental Award for the U.S., the Update aims to support the revitalization, expansion, and improvement of distressed communities’ infrastructure with a comprehensive goal to attract industry, encourage business retention, growth and recruitment, and generate sustainable private-sector jobs and investments.

This monthly newsletter is part of WNDD’s effort to identify and develop strategies to create and build a more resilient economy in our region, plus the latest in available grant opportunities.

Read the Update!

EDA Announces American Rescue Plan Programs

$3 Billion in Funding Immediately Available to Communities Across the Country

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo announced six programs, collectively called Investing in America’s Communities, that the Economic Development Administration (EDA) will execute to equitably invest the $3 billion it received from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan.

This is the largest economic development initiative from the Department of Commerce in decades and will help communities across the country impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

In this morning’s White House press conference, Secretary Raimondo said all grant awards will be evaluated “through an equity lens.” The return on the EDA investments will be measured through job creation, she added.

WNDD staff will keep membership posted as more information on Rescue Plan grant distribution becomes available through the EDA and how CEDS-supported projects can be aligned with these investment categories.

Investing in America’s Communities includes:

1.  Build Back Better Regional Challenge ($1 billion) will capitalize on American ingenuity and American workers by providing a transformational investment to regions across the country to revitalize their economies.

2.  Good Jobs Challenge ($500 million) is designed to help get Americans back in good-paying jobs. The program will develop and strengthen regional workforce training systems and sector-based partnerships with a focus on programs targeted at women, people of color and historically underserved communities.

3.  Economic Adjustment Assistance ($500 million) grants will help hundreds of communities across the nation plan, build, innovate, and put people back to work through projects tailored to meet local needs.

4.  Indigenous Communities ($100 million) program will work hand-in-hand with Tribal Governments and Indigenous communities to develop and execute economic development projects they need to recover from the pandemic and build economies for the future.

5.  Travel, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation ($750 million) program will focus on revitalizing the hard-hit travel, tourism, and outdoor recreation industries and accelerate the recovery of communities that rely on these sectors.

6.  Statewide Planning, Research and Networks ($90 million) grants include funding for state planning efforts as well as grants to build Communities of Practice to extend technical assistance to support EDA’s work with grantees.

Additionally,  EDA is making a Coal Communities Commitment, allocating $300 million to ensure support for these communities as they recover from the pandemic and create new jobs and opportunities, including through the creation or expansion of a new industry sector.

The EDA and the American Rescue Plan Funding Opportunities are providing informational webinars which will be held on July 27, 2021 and July 29, 2021.

EDA American Rescue Plan Programs

Five for Friday: Grant Opportunities July 2, 2021

Collected by the Western Nevada Development District

Economic development grants and loans can help revitalize and build sustainability in urban, rural, and tribal communities. Strategic investments help support local economies, create jobs, and attract private investments to better residents’ lives. Every first Friday, the Western Nevada Development District will share our Five for Friday; grant programs from a variety of sources that can help kickstart a business, raise up a neighborhood or integrate the arts into the community.

Federal Funding for Rural Communities

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide organizes funding opportunities identified in the CARES Act and other federal resources that can help support rural America. This resource matrix organizes funding opportunities identified in stimulus bills and other federal resources that can help support rural America. Opportunities are categorized by customer and assistance type.

Federal Rural Resource Guide

Rural Innovation Stronger Economy

Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) is intended to help rural communities identify and maximize local assets and connect to networks and industry clusters within their region. The new grant encourages a regional, innovation-driven approach to economic development. RISE grant funds can be used to build or support business incubators, provide worker training, or re-train workers for higher paying jobs. Grant ceiling is $10 million

USDA Launches Grant Program to Help Expand Regional Economies and Create High-Wage Jobs in Distressed Rural Communities | USDA

Application deadline: August 2, 2021.

Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE)

Our Town

Our Town OUR TOWN | National Endowment for the Arts is the National Endowment for the Arts’ creative placemaking grants program. These grants support projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities into efforts that strengthen communities by advancing local economic, physical, and/or social outcomes.

Successful Our Town projects ultimately lay the groundwork for systems changes that sustain the integration of arts, culture, and design into local strategies for strengthening communities. These projects require a partnership between a nonprofit organization and a local government entity, with one of the partners being a cultural organization. Cost share/matching grants range from $25,000 to $150,000, with a minimum cost share/match equal to the grant amount.

Application deadline: August 5, 2021.

Our Town National Endowment for the Arts

Community Navigator Pilot Program The SBA

Community Navigator Pilot Program allocates grants to eligible organizations which promote awareness of and participation in SBA programs among small businesses in underserved communities. The program is designed to promote the use of SBA COVID relief programs and other SBA programs by small businesses owned and controlled by:

• Women
• Veterans
• Socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns as defined by section 8(a)(4)(A) of the Small Business Act, including economically disadvantaged minorities and other disadvantaged individuals

Competitive grant awards will range from $1 million to $5 million for a two-year performance period.

Application deadline: July 23, 2021.

Community Navigator Pilot Program Notice of Funding Opportunity

Tribal Tourism Grant Program

The Department of Interior solicits proposals from federally recognized Tribes to receive grants to support Tribal tourism feasibility studies and/or Tribal tourism business plan development. The Program supports Tribes to increase capacity of Tribes to plan, develop and manage tourism and related infrastructure in support of economic development and the NATIVE Act.

Application deadline: August 6, 2021.

Tribal Tourism Grant Program