Wishing You a Happy Holiday Season and Prosperous New Year
Curated by the Western Nevada Development District, this edition of Five for Friday focuses on opportunities for economic development around the region in the areas of workforce development, housing, cultural preservation and more.
Grant Opportunities & More
City of Reno to award nearly $4 million through HOME program
The City of Reno is accepting grant applications for projects to assist people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and those who are victims of domestic violence. The $4 million in HOME program grants is part of the American Rescue Plan funds provided to local governments.
Projects eligible for funding include rental and deposit assistance, development of rental housing or non-congregate shelters, and supportive services including housing counseling, homelessness prevention and child care.
Housing may consist of single or multi-family units providing ownership and/or rental housing. Eligible costs include those associated with new construction, re-construction, rehabilitation, site acquisition, site improvement, and demolition. Other expenses include financial costs and relocation expenses of any displaced persons, businesses, or organizations.
Final funding recommendations for the grants will be made by mid-April 2023 and awards will be distributed in early summer.
Application Deadline: January 9, 2023
Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Division of Preservation and Access is accepting applications for the Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections program. This program helps cultural institutions meet the complex challenge of preserving large and diverse holdings of humanities materials for future generations by supporting sustainable conservation measures that mitigate deterioration, prolong the useful life of collections, and strengthen institutional resilience (i.e., the ability to anticipate and respond to disasters resulting from natural or human activity).
Preventive conservation encompasses managing relative humidity, temperature, light, and pollutants in collection spaces; providing protective storage enclosures and systems for collections; and safeguarding collections from theft, fire, floods, and other disasters.
For the January 12, 2023 deadline, there are two levels of funding available at the Implementation phase. Level I (up to $100,000) is intended to address discrete preservation challenges that are identified through general preservation assessments at small to mid-sized institutions. Level II (up to $350,000) provides funding for institutions of any size that have completed interdisciplinary planning and are prepared to implement more extensive preventive conservation projects. .
Application Deadline: January 12, 2023
Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections Program
STEM Workforce Development Challenge Grants
To spark the creation of lasting partnerships between industry and workforce training providers that result in sustainable training programs for in-demand industries, the Nevada Governor’s Office of Science Innovation and Technology is offering STEM Workforce Challenge Grants.
Funds from a grant award must be used to support the development, implementation, improvement, or expansion of programs that will train participants for “middle-skills” STEM jobs requiring technical skills and postsecondary credentials below a bachelor’s degree.
Eligible applicants for a STEM Workforce Challenge Grant are Nevada’s Community Colleges or State College, private career colleges located in Nevada that provide technical training, Chambers of Commerce, organizations that specialize in workforce training, Regional Development Authorities, STEM-related businesses, employee associations, and city and county governments.
Application Deadline: On Going
STEM Workforce Development Challenge Grants
Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTP)
The Federal Highway Administration advocates the development of strategic transportation safety plans as a means for tribes to determine how transportation safety needs will be addressed in and around tribal communities. Tribal Transportation Program funds are set aside to address transportation safety issues identified by federally recognized Indian tribes through a competitive, discretionary program.
Projects are chosen whose outcomes will reduce fatal and serious injuries in transportation related incidents, such as motor vehicle crashes.
Eligible projects for the TTP Safety Fund include:
• develop and update transportation safety plans
• safety data assessment, improvement, and analysis
• systemic roadway departure countermeasures
• infrastructure improvements and other eligible activities as listed in 23 U.S.C. 148(a)(4)
Application Deadline: January 15, 2023
Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund
Community Revitalization through Rewarding Private Investment
The New Market Tax Credit Program (NMTC) incentivizes community development and economic growth through the use of tax credits that attract private investment to distressed communities. As of the end of FY 2021, the NMTC Program has:
• Generated $8 of private investment for every $1 of federal funding
• Created nearly 239 million square feet of manufacturing, office, and retail space
• Financed more than 10,800 businesses
The NMTC Program helps businesses with access to financing that is flexible and affordable. Investment decisions are made at the community level, and typically 94 to 96% of NMTC investments into businesses involve more favorable terms and conditions than the market typically offers. Terms can include lower interest rates, flexible provisions such as subordinated debt, lower origination fees, higher loan-to-values, lower debt coverage ratios, and longer maturities.
Application Deadline: January 26, 2023