TAP Program Helps Fund Small, Non-Traditional Mobility and Transportation Projects

The Transportation Alternatives or TA Set-Aside Program (TAP) provides federal funds for a variety of smaller-scale, non-traditional, community-based transportation projects that improve safety, expand travel choices, and enhance the transportation experience. These projects are intended to integrate modes and improve the cultural, historic, and environmental aspects of our transportation infrastructure.

TAP funds are made available to the State through the Federal Highway Administration and administered by the Nevada Department of Transportation. This program provides up to 95 percent of project-related costs, with the remaining 5 percent provided by project sponsors as a local match. In the Reno-Sparks area the TAP program is administered through RTC Washoe.

Eligible project types may include the following, at any stage of project development, including planning, design, and construction:

• Bicycle, pedestrian, and nonmotorized transportation facilities
• Traffic calming, lighting, and safety-related infrastructure
• Projects to achieve ADA compliance
• Turnouts, overlooks, and viewing areas
• Historic preservation related to historic transportation facilities
• Recreational trails
• Safe Routes to School (SRTS), including infrastructure and non-infrastructure
• Micro-Mobility projects, including bike and scooter share
• Removal of outdoor advertising

Eligible applicants include the following types of entities:
• Local governments
• Regional transportation authorities
• Transit agencies
• Natural resource or public land agencies
• School districts/schools
• Tribal governments
• MPOs
• Nonprofit organizations

There is no minimum or maximum limit on grant requests. NDOT recommends that applications request a minimum of $50,000.

RTC Washoe Grant applications through this tranche are due May 19, 2023.

RTC Washoe Grant Application

Projects in other state regions are due through the Nevada Department of Transportation and are due April 14, 2023.

Alternative TAP Grant Applications

TAP Program Fact Sheet